Engineering SDLC v1.0


This document describes our Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Put simply, it walks you through how we ship software.

Using This Guide

Treat this guide like a flowchart. Not every step will be relevant to every project, so feel free to skip the sections that aren’t relevant to you.

Below, we’ve also included a “build sheet.” Build sheets are used in auto manufacturing to describe the car a customer wants built. They are usually taped to the car’s body, and follow it along the assembly line. You can use the build sheet here to help you track your projects as they move through our SDLC.

Build Sheet


  • Design doc written
    • PR link:
  • Design review scheduled
  • Design review held, and docs ratified
  • Specs written (as applicable)
    • PR link:
  • Invariants written
    • PR link:


  • Code complete
  • Automated tests written
  • [If Contracts] Invariant tests written
  • [If Contracts] Upgrade method implemented


  • FMA written
    • FMA link:
  • FMA reviewed
  • FMA action items completed
  • Audit request approved
  • Audit commit tagged and frozen
  • Audit scheduled
    • Audit date:
    • Auditor:
  • Audit completed
    • Audit report link:
  • Audit uploaded to security reviews folder
  • Monitoring/alerting requirements written
    • Link:
  • Run books written
    • Link:


  • Release candidates drafted
    • op-node
    • op-geth
    • op-program
    • op-contracts
  • Deployed to internal devnet
  • Superchain-ops playbook written
    • Playbook link:
  • Superchain-ops playbook reviewed and merged
  • Alphanet upgraded
    • HF activation date:
  • Betanet upgraded
    • HF activation date:
  • Deployed to Superchain devnet
  • Testnet scheduled (rollout to all chains we hold keys for)
    • Superchain registry PR:
    • HF activation date:
  • Deployed to testnet
  • Mainnet scheduled (rollout to all chains we hold keys for)
    • Superchain registry PR:
    • HF activation date:
  • Foundation approval requested (2 day SLA)
  • FND multisig signs (3 day SLA)
  • Security council signs (3 day SLA, in parallel to Foundation SLA)


  • Governance post drafted
    • Doc link:
  • Governance post approved by legal and FND
  • Governance post uploaded
    • Post link:


Step 0: Ideation and Planning

While beyond the scope of this document, it’s imperative that you know what you’re building and why before development starts. Work with your Product and Engineering Managers if you’re unsure about what you’re building. Typically, there’s a PRD or Problem/Proposed Solution doc that describes the business rationale for our major projects.

  1. Start a cross functional discussion with Product, Engineering, DevRel, and PMO to align on the a preliminary scope of work or hypothesis of the work that needs to be delivered.
  2. Typical outputs during Ideation & Planning in which the team builds together:
    1. A PRD or some form of documentation that elaborates on requirements
      1. Acceptance criteria and definition of done
        1. Spike and/or Prototyping: Help elaborate on the requirements to have a better idea on scope/resource/complexity of the solution
      2. Resourcing & Capacity Planning - Do we have the right people to accomplish the work?
      3. Identify risks and dependencies, and achieve alignment/buy-in
  3. Other outputs from this phase that will accelerate the subsequent steps:
    1. Program Dashboard in GitHub
    2. Sequencing and timeline
    3. Communication Plan (Slack, Discord, Meetings)

Step 1: Design Review (If Applicable)

Changes that affect multiple teams, deviate from existing practices, introduce new technologies, or change the protocol need to go through Design Review. Design Review helpers ensure alignment between engineering teams and keeps the bar for technical rigor high. It works like this:

  1. Create a design doc and post it as a PR in either the design-docs or design-docs-private repositories. Use the templates in the repositories.
  2. Loop in the leads of each team that might be impacted by your change. Please be especially cognizant of any downstream impact of your proposed changes and loop in those leads as well. These leads are:
    1. Smart Contracts: @Kelvin Fichter or @Matt Solomon
    2. Infrastructure: @Zach Howard or @Alfonso Munoz de Laborde
    3. Protocol: @Mark Tyneway or @Proto
    4. Proofs: @Paul Dowman or @Adrian Sutton
    5. Ecosystem: @Nick Balestra, @Faina Shalts or @Hamdi Allam
    6. Cloud Security: @Raffaele Mazzitelli or @Alfonso Munoz de Laborde
  3. Announce the PR in the #pm channel on Discord. Make sure to tag the required domain reviewers to allow for asynchronous review. Leads may tag in additional people as necessary.
  4. Schedule a synchronous design review meeting to ratify the design doc and merge the PR. “Ratified” in this case means there’s no more blocking feedback on the design, and merging it into the main branch of the design docs repo. It’s up to the design doc’s author to decide when this is. If your design doc doesn’t get consensus, close the PR instead. The goal of the discussion is to move towards closure, where closure is either ratifying or rejecting the design doc under review. Don’t leave a design review hanging without clear actions to move it towards either ratification or rejection.
  5. If your change requires a spec (see below), use the design review meeting to decide who the spec reviewers will be.

Keep in mind that the more complex your design is, the longer it will take to review. Use the following SLA as a rule of thumb for how much time to give your reviewers:

  • Short document (e.g., 1-pager): share a minimum of 2 working days prior
  • Medium-length document (2-5 pages): share a minimum of 3-5 working days prior
  • Long document (6+ pages): share at least 1 week prior

For more information about the design review process, see this doc.

Step 1.5: Write Specs

Changes that modify smart contracts, consensus, or could otherwise be incorporated into alternative client implementations need to be specified in the specs repo before being rolled out. This is often done in parallel with writing the implementation, since we often find ways to improve the spec while writing the code.

Write your spec by creating a PR against the specs repo and requesting review from one of the specs reviewers identified during the design review. Loop in the same set of leads as you would for the design doc to review the spec. They can assign reviewers based on who has the most knowledge of the area of the spec being modified.

Step 2: Determine Governance Impact

Once you’ve developed a design for your change, you’ll need to determine if the change requires governance. Changes that affect consensus, touch smart contracts on L1, modify predeploys, or impact transaction ordering will generally require governance approval. If you’re unsure, consult @Ben Jones.

If YES (Governance Needed):

  • Follow the governance path below. This will include writing a Failure Modes Analysis (FMA), getting audits if needed, and writing a governance proposal.

If NO (Governance Not Needed):

  • Implement and test, then ship to testnet and mainnet following our rollout procedures. You may still need an FMA - see that section for the criteria.

The detailed criteria for what does/does not require governance is described below.

Detailed Governance Criteria

The threshold for which changes require a governance vote is based on the User Protections clause of the Law of Chains. In summary, these protections are:

  1. State Transition and Messaging Validity: OP Chain state transitions or cross-chain messages sent to or from OP Chains must follow the rules of the latest governance-approved release of the OP Stack. This means that changes to the block derivation function or messenger contracts are always subject to a governance vote.
  2. Security, Uptime, and Liveness: Block production, sequencing, and bridging must satisfy uniform standards for security, uptime, and liveness across all OP Chains. This means that changes that could cause users to be unable to transact (e.g., changing the gas limit to something untenable) are subject to a governance vote.
  3. Universal, Governance-Approved Upgrades: OP Chains must upgrade together under OP Stack releases that are approved by governance. Any upgrades that aren’t backwards compatible are therefore subject to a governance vote.

Using this framework, we can define the following rough upgrade types and whether or not each upgrade type needs a governance vote. If you are uncertain if an upgrade requires governance approval, please request delegate feedback on the forum.

  • Consensus Changes

    Vote required: Yes

    Consensus changes modify the state transition function or messaging validity. As such, they must be approved by governance to satisfy protection one above.

    For example:

    • Bedrock
    • EIP-4844
    • Shanghai
    • Any L1 upgrade that modifies a contract under the control of the Security Council. The Security Council cannot make any changes to L1 unless they are approved by governance or the result of an active or impending security issue.
  • Predeploy Updates

    Vote required: Yes

    Predeploy updates must be approved by governance in order to satisfy protection three above. More specifically, changes to predeploys must be rolled out across all OP Chains in order to prevent functionality on one chain from diverging from all the others.

  • Cross-Chain Contracts

    Vote required: No

    “Cross-chain contracts” refers to smart contracts like Gnosis SAFE or create2deployer which are deployed at the same address across multiple chains. These contracts do not require a governance vote because anyone can deploy them at any time on any chain. This is true even if we decide to add these contracts to the genesis state, since someone could always deploy them after the chain comes online.

    Note that any changes to the 0x42... namespace do need to go through governance, as do any contract deployments that require irregular state transitions.

  • Parameter Updates

    Vote required: Change Dependent

    Parameter updates that impact protections one or two above will need to be approved by governance. For example, setting the gas limit or changing the EIP-1559 parameters will require governance approval since modifying these parameters can prevent users from transacting.


    • Updating the ProxyAdmin/challenger/guardian addresses requires a governance vote.
    • Updating gas parameters require a governance vote until they’re explicitly configurable by the Chain Governor
    • Updating the batcher/proposer addresses (among addresses already on the allowlist) do not require a governance vote as long as they are within the set of governance-approved addresses
  • Non-Consensus Client Features

    Vote required: No

    Network-wide features introduce functionality that may require coordination with alt-client developers, but without risk of a chain split. As such these changes satisfy all three user protections above as long as they are backwards-compatible and meet our bar for engineering rigor.


    • Snap sync
  • Changes Affecting Transaction Inclusion/Ordering

    Vote required: Yes

    Even though the mempool is technically not part of consensus, it affects the way in which transactions get included into the chain and can negatively effect user experience. As a result, unilateral changes that affect transaction ordering violate protection two above and therefore need a vote. If the community detects that nonstandard ordering software is being run, it is grounds for removal from the sequencer allowlist.


    • Moving to a public mempool
    • Running custom PBS/transaction pool software
  • Non-Consensus, No-Coordination, Non-Ordering Changes

    Vote required: No

    These changes are a catch-all for any change that doesn’t modify consensus or require coordination. These changes can be rolled out unilaterally without input from governance since they do not impact any of the protections described above.

Note: The above sets are not always mutually exclusive. If a given change might fall into multiple buckets, if any one of them requires a vote, then the change requires a vote. If you are unsure if something requires a governance vote, ask @Bobby Dresser or @Ben Jones.

Step 3: Implement

At this stage, you can start writing your code. Make sure you follow these standards:

  • All consensus code must be behind a hardfork feature flag.
  • All changes must go through code review, and have test automation. Use CodeCov to determine how much of your code is tested, and to identify testing gaps.
  • All smart contract changes must meet the following minimum standards:
    • Follow the UX and Safety guidelines described here.
    • When upgrading existing contracts, follow the spec here.
    • Have near 100% test coverage along with invariant tests.
    • When useful, changes should be formally verified with Kontrol.

Step 4: Failure Mode Analysis (If Needed)

In parallel with implementation, you’ll need to get your changes reviewed for security. The primary way we do this is through a Failure Mode Analysis (FMA). The FMA process identifies risks and failure modes so that we can mitigate them prior to release. FMAs work best when they are written early in the development process, and iterated upon as work progresses.

An FMA is always required if governance is needed. Otherwise, it’s up to each team and their embedded security engineers if they need one. The process to get an FMA is described here: Failure Mode Analyses (FMAs), and FMAs live in the design-docs repo using this template:

Step 5: Security Audit (If Needed)

The FMA may identify the need for a security audit. If so, copy the document here and use it as a template to describe the scope, timing, and motivation for the audit. Send this to @Prithvi Subburaj and @Karl Floersch for approval. Once they’ve approved, you can shop around for auditors and get quotes. Once you’ve selected an auditor you can create request in Zip to pay for the audit.

Some audit firms we’ve used successfully in the past include:

  • Spearbit
  • OpenZeppelin

You should factor the amount of time required for both the audit as well as and necessary fix review into delivery timelines.

Your code should be deployed on a devnet prior to auditing. This can be one of our monthly devnets, or a custom internal devnet for the purposes of performing the audit.

Step 6: Create Superchain Ops Tasks (L1 Upgrades Only)

If your change modifies L1 smart contracts, you’ll need a superchain-ops playbook to execute the multisig transactions with the Security Council.

Step 7: Alphanet/Betanet Devnet Rollout

Next, it’s time to roll out to the Alphanet, then the Betanet. See the release process for more details.

Step 8: Testnet Rollout

Next, it’s time to roll out to the official testnet. These networks upgrade multiple chains at once, so they require coordination with DevRel and external partners. These networks are also considered production, so a high degree of stability is expected.

The process to upgrade these networks is:

  1. (As Applicable) Update the Superchain Registry with an updated hardfork time.
  2. (As Applicable) Update OPCM/op-deployer to upgrade smart contracts.
  3. Cut an rc build like you would normally.
  4. Loop in @Matthew Cruz to schedule your upgrade. Typically partners need at least a week of notice.
  5. Use op-workbench to deploy onto our infrastructure.
  6. Use op-deployer to upgrade L1 smart contracts.

Step 9: Governance Proposal (If Governance Is Needed)

  1. Prepare Proposal:
    • Reference a stable commit/tag.
    • Include FMA results, audits, testnet performance, and activation schedule.
    • Use the standard governance template.
  2. Review & Post:
    • Obtain Foundation (FND) and Legal approval.
      • Loop in @Ben Jones and @Bobby Dresser from the FND.
      • Loop in @Trevor Dodge and @Eric Van Wart from legal.
    • Post the proposal on governance forums.
    • Loop in @Lavande to coordinate delegate approval.
  3. Approval & Veto:
    • Wait for the vote and veto period to complete.

Step 10: Mainnet Rollout

  1. Remove the rc suffixes from your releases.
  2. Schedule the mainnet upgrade after the veto period expires.
  3. Coordinate with @Maurelian or @Blaine Malone to schedule the mainnet multisig upgrade.
  4. The Product/Dev/PMO Leads to go through their checklist to insure all stakeholder needs, documentation, and communications are in place. This includes working with Marketing, DevRel, Data, Finance, Foundation, etc.

Release Process

Protocol upgrades run on a regular schedule. This helps resolve some of the challenges we've faced in the past:

  • No more waiting 3-4 months between hard forks
  • Teams don't need to rush features to "catch" an upgrade
  • Everyone knows when the next release is coming
  • We have the opportunity to find integration bugs earlier
  • Missing a train isn't a big deal - there's always another one coming

The thousand-yard view of our release process is as follows:

  1. Features are developed according to a stable-trunk development model.
  2. Features are deployed to an Alphanet for initial acceptance testing.
  3. If the feature works on Alphanet, it gets deployed to a Betanet for additional testing and upgrade process validation.
  4. If the feature works on Betanet, it gets deployed to the Sepolia Testnet for governance review.
  5. If governance passes, the feature is deployed to mainnet.

You will need to budget roughly 6 weeks from the time your feature is code-complete to the time it is deployed on mainnet, exclusive of audit time. Working backwards from mainnet deployment, the rough timeline is as follows:

TMainnet Activation
T-1 weekGovernance veto starts
T-2 weeksCut mainnet release, distribute to node operators
T-3 weeksGovernance vote starts
T-4 weeksGovernance review starts
T-4 weeksBetanet deployment and acceptance testing
T-5 weeksAlphanet deployment and acceptance testing
T-6 weeksFeature is code-complete

Check out the release calendar for more information on the schedule.


The Alphanet is the initial integration environment for protocol upgrades. Its primary purpose is to validate that new features work correctly on a deployed network running real infrastructure before moving on to broader integration and upgrade testing.

The Alphanet can contain any combination of L1 and L2 upgrades. It is entirely acceptable to have an Alphanet with only L1 upgrades, and vice versa. By decoupling these two types of upgrades, we can increase our throughput and deployment flexibility.

The scope of each Alphanet is finalized during the weekly Protocol Upgrades Call on Tuesdays. To put in a request for an Alphanet once the scope has been finalized, create a new issue on the devnets repo.


The Betanet validates a complete upgrade that will be deployed to a production networks. Unlike the Alphanet, the Betanet performs the actual upgrade process and confirms that all features work together as intended.

Betanets are deployed every three weeks, and contain the features that passed the Alphanet. If there are no passing features, the Betanet will be cancelled.

The scope of each Betanet is finalized during the weekly Protocol Upgrades Call on Tuesdays. To put in a request for a Betanet once the scope has been finalized, create a new issue on the devnets repo.

Acceptance Testing

Promoting a feature from Alphanet to Betanet and beyond is contingent upon the feature passing automated acceptance tests. See the Acceptance Testing document for more information.


The Sepolia Testnet is the first public deployment of protocol upgrades. This allows ecosystem partners to test the upgrades in a stable environment and runs in parallel with the governance process. Unlike Alphanets and Betanets, the Testnet directly impacts external users and applications and is considered "production."

TO provide sufficient time for infrastructure providers to upgrade their systems, Testnet releases must be cut at least 1 week in advance of any hardfork activation.

All features must go through an Alphanet and a Betanet before being deployed on Testnet. This means that you should target having your features deployed to the Alphanet and Betanet right before the gov cycle at the very latest. For example:

Governance CycleLatest AlphanetLatest Betanet
Cycle 34 (Feb 27 - Mar 13)Badger (Feb 17)Balrog (Feb 24)
Cycle 35 (Mar 20 - Apr 2)Cheetah (Mar 10)Cupid (Mar 17)

See the release calendar for the most up-to-date information on the release schedule.

Release Calendar

The calendar below shows our planned governance cycles, Alphanets, and Betanets. Each event links out to the GitHub issue describing it in more detail.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing ensures OP Stack networks are feature-complete, reliable, and contain features which are ready for promotion.

The Platforms team will compile a Release Readiness Process (RRP) document, which will outline how to acceptance test devnets. This will include a list of tests to run - the Release Readiness Checklist (RRC). They will originally be run manually, but we'll automate them over time.

By automating validation and enforcing quality gates, we reduce risk and increase confidence in releases. Much of this is facilitated by a new tool, op-acceptor, which can run standard Go tests against OP Stack networks and track that network’s readiness for promotion. Acceptance testing is a prerequisite for networks to promote from Alphanet, to Betanet, to Testnet.

This is a shared responsibility between the Platforms and the feature teams:

What Is ItWho Does It
Maintains acceptance testing toolingPlatforms Team
Writes acceptance test for network livenessPlatforms Team
Runs acceptance testsPlatforms Team
Writes acceptance test for specific featuresFeature Team
Performs upgradesFeature Team

The Platforms team is responsible for running acceptance tests against each network. To coordinate your feature's acceptance testing, contact Stefano (stefano), Platforms Protocol DevX Pod (@Protocol DevX Pod) or Platforms Team (@Platforms Team) on Discord.


The acceptance tests themselves are written in Go and are run by op-acceptor within the op-acceptance-tests directory of the optimism monorepo. op-acceptor provides a high-level framework for registering, running and viewing the results of acceptance tests.

op-acceptor screenshot


To add new acceptance tests see the README for instructions on how to do this.